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Here are a few of the most common questions our masqueraders ask us !! If there’s  a question you need answered but you do not see it listed, no worries, send us an email and we will try our best to answer you as soon as possible.

  1. What date is the parade

Saturday May 28th, 2022. A few weeks before you will receive and email with road time and location

  1. When is the last day to register/sign up?

When we are completely sold out. However, please be mindful that certain sections, costumes and options do sell out quickly so its best to choose your package and register as soon as possible.

  1. Can my spouse or family jump with me?

Not without purchasing a costume package. All masqueraders in the band must have on the band appointed wristband and be in costume provided by this band

  1. What if I signed up for one section and I want to switch to another section?

Switching of sections is not allowed. We ask that BEFORE you place your deposit and complete your order you are SURE this is the costume selection you want.

  1. Can I make payments towards my costume balance anytime?

Yes, you can sign back into your account at anytime and make a payment

  1. When will my full balance be due?

All balance payments are due in full no later than Friday May 6th 2022

     7. Will you be mailing my costume to me?

No, all costume packages must be picked up in person, distribution dates will begin the Wednesday before carnival May 25th– May 27th. Times and location will be posted on social media outlets as well as emailed to each masquerader.

  1. What if cannot pick up my costume or I miss my pick up date or time?

There will be 3 separate pickup days you can choose from. You can also sign back into your account and assign as designated person to collect on your behalf. This person must present a copy of their ID and their name must match the name you authorize on your account.

  1. What does madd colors do with unclaimed costumes?

All unclaimed costumes will be sold at section leader/designers’ discretion.

  1. What if I don’t know how to put on my costume pieces?

There will be several tutorials posted on our site to show you which items go where and how to put them on.

  1. What comes with my costume purchase?

Your complete costume as you stated on your account, breakfast ticket, lunch ticket, drinks ticket, souvenir cup, souvenir bag, other promotional items, goodies and snacks.

  1. How long is the parade route?

The parade route is best described in time. Madd Colors has been designated by the committee to be the last band on the road this year. The committee feels that some due to the large size of our band there are smaller bands competing that may not get to cross the stage in time. With that decision being made Madd Colors will not be competing this year. What does this mean for you? MORE TIME on the road. It takes approximately 5-6 hours based on past history of all bands completing the route. It’s HOT in Atl, you will appreciate when it ends. 😊

  1. What if my costume doesn’t fit?

Costumes are custom made. The material used aside from the wire bras are adjustable. We recommend you put your exact size as the costume fits as close to your size as possible.

  1. Where does the band meet?

In your costume package you will receive and full distribution information sheet with meeting time, location, housekeeping rules as well as other pertinent information.

  1. I’m coming in from out of town where do you recommend I stay?

As always Madd Colors has 2 host hotels that are discounted to our masqueraders only. You must reserve your room by April 26th see information to reserve below.

Courtyard Marriot Downtown Decatur (closest to parade)

Madd Colors Carnival

Start Date: Wednesday, May 25, 2022
End Date: Tuesday, May 31, 2022
Last Day to Book: Tuesday, April 26, 2022
Hotel(s) offering your special group rate:
  • Courtyard Atlanta Decatur Downtown/Emory for 139 USD per night



Holiday Inn Express Stone crest mall (near highway and walking distance to mall)

$102 per night or $115 per night